Priority Booking Page

Welcome to the Priority Beach Pod Booking Page

As one of our valued customers, we would like to give you the opportunity to reserve your Beach Pod on Porthminster before we open up the online booking facility to everyone else. Please note that this page will only be live until the 13th of November, after which general pod bookings will be open via our website.

Please read the information before booking your pod using the form below.

Our beach pods offer daytime freedom for all the family to store their beach goods and to come and go as they please. If required, further items such as deck chairs, parasols and windbreaks can be hired for the duration of your booking or daily from the shop located on the beach.

Porthminster Beach currently has 36 pods located at the head of the beach.

Please note and be aware that the pods are not sleeping accommodation and have to be vacated at dusk.

The beach pods are available to enhance your day’s enjoyment at Porthminster, providing all the privacy and storage needed to ensure you have a great day at the beach.

Pod keys can be collected from 10am on any given Saturday AND must be returned no later than 5pm on the last Friday of your booking.

For all enquiries please email: and we will be in touch.

To book or check availability please enter your requirements below.